Shamanic Healing
A Shamanic Healer works to Restore Balance and wholeness by addressing the root cause of the problem.
Many methods are used in shamanic healing, including Soul Retrieval, Retrieval of a Spiritual Ally, Removal of Unwanted Energies, Soul Remembering, Ancestral Work, Psychopomp (helping the deceased to cross over into the Light) and hands on healing.
Shamanism is widely believed to be the most ancient form of Spiritual Healing on the planet, dating back tens of thousands of years.Shamanic healing has various techniques that have been passed down for thousands of years. These techniques guide the shaman in locating and extracting the illness.
A shamanic healer works to restore balance and wholeness by addressing the root cause of the problem.Some of the techniques include soul retrieval, where the shamanic healer brings back an individual’s lost soul parts, and power animal retrieval, where the shamanic healer brings back a spiritual guardian, usually in the form of a power animal to help restore power to an individual.
Other shamanic healing modalities include the healing of ancestral patterns and issues, removal of blockages and unwanted energies, and the energetic clearing of land, homes and other office buildings and other structures.
Many methods are used in shamanic healing:-
Soul Retrieval: Where the shamanic healer brings back an individual’s lost soul parts.Soul Retrieval has many benefits. We become more present, centered, and regain our aliveness.
Life ceases to be a dull, monotonous, depressing experience. Instead, life is a gift, a mysterious adventure, something to be savored and embraced.
Retrieval of a Spiritual ally: Where the Shamanic Healer brings back a Spiritual Guardian, usually in the form of a Power Animal to help restore power to an individual.
Ancestral Work :On this shamanic ancestral healing journey, you will have the opportunity to heal your ancestral line from past to present. Just as individual souls carry experience from one lifetime into another, families do as well, and when we, the newest members of our family line enter life, we agree to bear and hopefully resolve at least some of those persistent issues.
Psychopomp : Helping the deceased to cross over into the Light): Both Life and Death are transitory processes ,Because shamanic work is Accomplished in the realm of the soul, a soul can be healed after death, or before life. This is the work of the psychopomp.
Energetic Clearing of land, homes, office and other structures: Our houses, work places or land also hold a energetic history. Everything that has taken place, not only within the bricks and mortar or on the land beneath them, will have an energetic imprint or impression left as a resonance in situ.
Which if strong enough, may well affect those in residence now. Shamans find where the energy is located, contain it and send it to where it can be released, healed or transformed into positive energy, this leaves a lighter, freer and abundant location.